Monday, July 6, 2009

Multi-Tasking old fashioned idea now it's Switch-Tasking


This past Friday I was listening to the Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC, he was live from the Aspen Idea Festival. The topic was, Being Human in a Digital World - His guests were, Patricia Kuhl, co-director of the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences, John Palfrey, faculty co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Will Wright, creator of Spore and Sim City and Brooke Gladstone from On the Media.

They brought up alot of interesting topics, such as: how the digital media affects your thinking, how you process information and how this new digital media takes you away from other activities in your life.

But what really caught my attention was when John Palfrey stated that this new digital landscape has also created a new way of working, Switch-Tasking -working on multiple tasks but switching through them quickly. I found that very interesting because we all do this seamlessly throughout the day. We all move through our email, facebook page, twitter, digg, stumble upon, wordpress, blogger, flickr and any other social/digital website we participate in. Great topic that gets you thinking about how this new digital world really is affecting you as an individual.

If you want to listen to the broadcast click here: Being Human in a Digital World

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